Friday, January 27, 2017

ETIOLOGY OF RAPE : A Social Tragedy

Sexual assault on women is a common phenomenon in our county. Under sexual assault comes: molestation, eve teasing, child sex abuse, rape, marital rape, domestic violence. Of all these crimes is the most violent crime which is committed against women. According to section 376A rape means "penetration is sufficient to constitutes the sexual intercourse necessity to the  offence of rape". Rape means an unlawful intercourse done by a rapist without victims consent. After  a rape incident a woman lives a pateic life which includes fear, depression, sucidal action & social stigma.

In recent times  rape incidents have increased manifold. According to statistics two women are raped in the country in evry single hour,  and another research found that evry 10 hours a girl of age 1-10 years is being raped in India. Delhi gang rape, Ranaghat rape, park street gang rape and many others cases created an example for us.
The cruelty which was shown towards the girl/woman by the rapists filled evry Indian with wrath. Each day newspaper reports about rape incidents. In most of the rape cases the accused is known to the victim. The accused may be a friend, a relaive, neighbour.

            Lack of public safety is the causes of increasing rape cases. Woman are not safe outside their home even as well as inside their home.
Information shows that rape victims are more likely to report sex crimes if female police officer are available. Lack of female  police aggravates the situation.
In many rural areas the victim is pressurised to drop charges against the guilty, not only this they're encouraged to marry their rapist by telling them that nobody will marry her.  Social stigma bring shame to her family. That'swhy most of the incidents are settled down among themselves.

We should take firm steps to combat this social problem. Day by day sexual assault incidents are increasing rapidly.
              Death penalty should imposed on a rape accuse.
A women squad should be formed in evry district which would exclusively deal with problems of women.
Fast track courts must be established so that justice is given as early as possible.
Some NGO's should start rape crisis centre where victim can approach by calling a toll-free number or physically visiting the local centre. Such centre should play a vital role in supporting rape victims to coup up with the psychological trouma & also guide them to secure legal remedy.

Women are wonderful daughters, sister's, wives, and mother's.  They should be loved, cared, respected and should b protected. The problem is far frombeing solved. Let's hope Indian justice system, administration, intellectuals will show the way towards a Sexual Assault Free Nation.