Friday, December 22, 2017


Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity. To make it simple AI is manifested by machines. Its a branch of computer science which deals with computer or machines as intelligent as human beings. The term Artificial intelligence first coined in 1956 by Jhon McCarthy at Dartmouth conference, Massachusetts Institute of technology, USA.
      Artificial intelligence mainly divides into two section 1. Conventional Artificial intelligence, its mostly involved in machine learning. 2. Computational Artificial intelligence which involves iterative development (parameter tuning, non symbolic AI.

     Artificial intelligence deals with intelligent behaviour, learning, speech recognition, facial recognition, handwriting, scanning in machine.
AI system are now in routine use in medicine, military, banking, strategy games. The dynamic use of AI cause significant change in today's society.
    A Virtual Personal Assistance (VPA) or sometimes referred as CHATBOT isused in online chat program for various purposes. Considering the banks humanoid IRA (Intelligent Robotic Assistance) & chatbot EVA ( Electronic Virtual Assistance). While IRA can guide guide people at branch to find the relevant counter for them. EVA can answer common quarries of users who log on to the HDFC bank website.
The chatbot SIA (SBI Intelligent Assistant) of SBI will help customers with everyday banking tasks just like a bank representative.
Robot Lakshmi of Kumbakonam based City Union Bank will be the first site helper. 
Robot Lakshmi
Recently a significant information came into news from Saudi Arabia, SOPHIA - the first robot to be granted as their citizen. 
It's a humanoid developed by Hanson Robotics and inspired by Audrey Hepburn and David Hanson's wife.
An online poll found the most widely used Virtual personal assistance are Apple's Siri, Google now of Google, Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortena.
Video games, music & movie recommendation services like Pandora, Netflix, Sportify, Amazon Prime, are the sectors currently using Artificial intelligence successfully.

    Science always has two two aspects one is good and another is bad. Its all up to human how he defines it. AI is not an exception. There is a little doubt that AI will displace many low skilled jobs. Arguably robots have already taken many jobs from automobile sector. Take for an example, the concept of driverless car which could displace millions of human drivers. It can bring moral degradation in society. If scientists able to built built feelings in humanoid it can causes existential risk ( movie - Robot).
     Although AI industry is growing in rocket pace in every corner of the world so as in India also. Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR) is the primary laboratory of DRDO for research and development in different areas of defence. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which came into existence in 1986 in Bangalore involved in the research and development of high quality secure communication, command, and intelligent systems, smart border surveillance and weather forecasting models to complement Digital India Mission.

    Despite some of the threats and challenges it would be stupid to argue that AI is not the future and its only a matter of time that machines will replace most of the jobs. Its doesn't mean the end of the road for humanity. We have a great history of technological revolution causing social and political changes in society.
In the early years there are bound to have some fears and challenges but so was the case with French revolution, Industrial revolution, Steam engines, Spinning machines, and most recently computers. Nevertheless, there will be more opportunities in the fields not yet known and there will be more jobs to cater the human needs.

AI has the potential to increase India's annual growth rate of Gross Value added  (GVA) by 1.3% lifting the country's income 15% by 2035. Recognising its huge potential many MNCs have started embracing the technology in a big way. In India's context we can expect a new set of opportunities that can gain higher business efficiency, and revenue augmentation to improve India's GDP,consumer experience, above all ease of doing business.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Classroom - The foundation of a Nation

           Nations are built over generation by blood & sweat of its Leaders, Businessmen, Scientists, Teachers, Doctors, and more importantly by ordinary citizens. The future of a nation depends on its children's who are the potential torch bearers. Thus their  growth and development of physical, intellectual and moral are a property for any nation. Ergo we can easily say that Destroying any nation doesn't require atomic bombs or the long ranger missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examination.
Patients die at the hands of such Doctors. Buildings collapse at the hands of such Engineers. Money is lost at the hands of such scholars. Justice is lost at the hands of such judges.

        The e collapse of education is the collapse of a nation. So destiny of a nation shaped on its classroom because its a factory of potential engineers, doctors, teachers, scientists, scholars, leaders who shape  physical infrastructural and quality of life in a nation.

        An illiterate person becomes a burden on the nation and its growth.
Quality of primary and secondary education are necessary for formation of human capital.
History helps in Decision Making, Judgment Skills, Patriotism, Values, Lessons from the Past,to not repeat in future. Polity helps to build future Leaders and good understanding of Governance system. Language teaches Romanticism, Elegance, Nature. Geography teaches Interconnectedness, Mutual dependence of nations on each other. Environment teaches importance of Protecting the Environment. Mathematics teaches Accuracy, Logical thinking and science teaches Attacking Superstitions not excepting anything without proof.

       So basically Classrooms are essential for instilling right values ( i.e kindness, cleanliness, gender equality etc) which makes children's good and responsible citizen. Student learn discipline in schools which guide them throughout their personal and professional life.

      In India, nearly universal enrolment has been achieved in primary education. The quality of education being imparted and atmosphere in classroom has caused concern. Studies have shown that existing social discrimination on the basis of class caste and gender still exist in our country. Lower castes being asked to clean the toilets and sit on the floor. Higher education for girls are still not up to the mark. We have to go long way to achieve the mark remembering the quotes " you educated am man yo educated a man, you educated a women you educated a generation by Brigham Young.

To conclude, world noted Nelson Mandela once said "Education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world ". This statement is still relevant in present context.
We can remove poverty and other social bearers due to power or resources but with education we can alter the future of a  nation. Nations with excellent classrooms have always remained on the track of social development.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Subsidence Of Women : A Journey Towards Pale Era

Women  are the gift to the society. During ancient period of India women played significant role. The Rig Vedic women in India enjoyed high status in the society. The women were provided opportunity to attain high intellectual and spiritual standard. Since the Vedic period, women started being discriminated in education and other rights and facilities. Child marriage, widow burning, the Purdah and polygamy further worsened the women's position.
The epics  & Puranas equated women with property. Even Buddhism did very little for women. Though Mourya kings often employed female bodyguards, spies but their status was still quite bad. Upper class ladies accept Purdah system. Arthashastra imposed more stigmas on women as Kautilya dismissed women's liberation & they were not free even to go elsewhere without  her husbands permission. The Arthashastra in many ways more liberal than the religious law books, lays down quite stringent rules for the immodest wives. A woman who insolently takes part in games or drinks against her husband wishes, is to be fined three panas. If she leaves her home without husbands permission to visit another women she is to be fined six panas; if she visits a man the fine is twelve panas.
They became worse off in the Gupta period. The Smritishastras abused them ; Manu dictated a women would be dependent on her father in childhood, on her husband in youth and on her son in old age. Apart from Sati and child marriage, prostitution & devdasi system became widespread. Prostitution, Devdasi, Courtisans were important part of ancient Indian society.
Temple prostitution is most common in the south & their earliest literature shows that. That'swhy religious prostitution came naturally for Dravidians.
As in ancient Greece courtesans were often literate snd skilled in music, dancing, singing, acting, composing of poetry, flower arrangement, and garland making, the preparation of perfumes and cosmetics, cooking, dress making and embroidery, tongue twisters and other puzzles, gymnastics, teaching parrots, and clay modelling besides the usual sexual services. Regular prostitutes engaged in their trade in busy places. Repentant courtesans and prostitute sometimes went into buddhist nunneries.
Typical of such accomplished courtesans was Ambapali/Amrapali, the hetaira of  Vaishali, famous in Buddhist legend. Her life gives  a significant indication of the status of the better type of courtesan in ancient India. Ambapali was immensely wealthy, highly intelligent and famous throughout the civilized portion of India. 
She was one of the most treasured possession of her city and mixed on equal terms with princes. Ambapali is said to have become a Buddhist nun and one of the most beautiful poems of the pali con is attributed to her. 
From the example of the play "The Little Clay Cart" it would seem that a prostitute might became an honest women by marriage, for te heroine, the high souls courtesan Vasantasena ultimately becomes the second wife of the brahmin hero Charudatta.

Even In the  Mughal period, the courtesans of India had a turbulent reputation. Once they have seen as advisors to the Mughal courts.
Imagine a vast hall with the roof  seemingly with intricate murals and curvings soaked in real gold leaves, huge mirrors, and wall to wall Persian carpets. Crystal chandler's so vivid and vibrant that it seems the entire sky is engulfed in them.
Among all of this a dainty petite figure of a women sitting in the middle of the hallbeing the focus of  thirsty glances of kings and courtiers alike. The men admiring her and the women hidden behind a purdah aspiring to be her.
         The Mughals were very fond of such intellectual yet attractive women. The story of Salim (Jahangir) -Anarkali provided the evidences of  that. Not only Salim but Shah Jahan had Noor Begum and Gauhar Jaan. Aurangzeb was bedazzled by Moti Bai.
Historically speaking, courtesans were devdasi or who used to sing and dance for the presiding deity of the temple. These women were married to the presiding deity but the kings and courtiers also had a pleasure to witness their art of poetry, singing, dancing. They often quenched the pleasures of  the rich. Now comes a surprising fact can you imagine that all Indian classical dances like Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Odissi are just residuary art forms left behind by these courtesans?
Today one may hear the term "Kothewali" and immediately club it together with a perception of women with lowly charecter involved in prostitution. This wasn't always so. It was the British who condemned the practice of Devdasis, they bifurcated the pricely kingdoms causing a loss of patronage for the courtesans. For these reasons the courtesans now called the "Nautch Girls ", were forced to become mere sex workers because they needed to feed themselves and theirs families.
These courtesans now started catering to the rich and poor simultaneously. The art and culture in their performances became significantly lessen to mere sexual acts and dancing remained came under the canopy of "Mujra".
"Mujrewali or Kothewali" became the generic terms of prostitutes. The thin line between the learned courtesans and lowly sex workers was vanished. Incidentally a "Mujra" when seen has an uncanny resemblance with Kathak, a classical dance form of  India still common today.
Te courtesans performed "Mujra"  for British soldiers and other men. The men who came to visit them now didn't care about hearing poetry or watching inciting dancing and singing, they were just interested in sex. The era of the British raj is rightly called the dark ages of these heavenly courtesans.

           Some of the vast halls, cravings, murals, are still present in Indian sub-continent, standing alone screaming for their glory which is robbed by the Britishers. They are screaming to share their glory, fame, pride.
Theye are still standing and tell us in evry moment that "we are the burning truth of  India, the temple of  mankind. Our courtesans is our goddess, once they were worshipped by the kings, courtiers and intellectuals of the society and they are gifted by the art, poetry dance and music.

After Mughal period came the colonial era, the worst phase for the courtesans. The golden era of the Indian courtesans was now gone but the culture of  classical dance, music and poetry which they gifted to us must be preserved and their story must be shared to the world. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

ETIOLOGY OF RAPE : A Social Tragedy

Sexual assault on women is a common phenomenon in our county. Under sexual assault comes: molestation, eve teasing, child sex abuse, rape, marital rape, domestic violence. Of all these crimes is the most violent crime which is committed against women. According to section 376A rape means "penetration is sufficient to constitutes the sexual intercourse necessity to the  offence of rape". Rape means an unlawful intercourse done by a rapist without victims consent. After  a rape incident a woman lives a pateic life which includes fear, depression, sucidal action & social stigma.

In recent times  rape incidents have increased manifold. According to statistics two women are raped in the country in evry single hour,  and another research found that evry 10 hours a girl of age 1-10 years is being raped in India. Delhi gang rape, Ranaghat rape, park street gang rape and many others cases created an example for us.
The cruelty which was shown towards the girl/woman by the rapists filled evry Indian with wrath. Each day newspaper reports about rape incidents. In most of the rape cases the accused is known to the victim. The accused may be a friend, a relaive, neighbour.

            Lack of public safety is the causes of increasing rape cases. Woman are not safe outside their home even as well as inside their home.
Information shows that rape victims are more likely to report sex crimes if female police officer are available. Lack of female  police aggravates the situation.
In many rural areas the victim is pressurised to drop charges against the guilty, not only this they're encouraged to marry their rapist by telling them that nobody will marry her.  Social stigma bring shame to her family. That'swhy most of the incidents are settled down among themselves.

We should take firm steps to combat this social problem. Day by day sexual assault incidents are increasing rapidly.
              Death penalty should imposed on a rape accuse.
A women squad should be formed in evry district which would exclusively deal with problems of women.
Fast track courts must be established so that justice is given as early as possible.
Some NGO's should start rape crisis centre where victim can approach by calling a toll-free number or physically visiting the local centre. Such centre should play a vital role in supporting rape victims to coup up with the psychological trouma & also guide them to secure legal remedy.

Women are wonderful daughters, sister's, wives, and mother's.  They should be loved, cared, respected and should b protected. The problem is far frombeing solved. Let's hope Indian justice system, administration, intellectuals will show the way towards a Sexual Assault Free Nation.